Friday, September 12, 2008

My Talent Has Been Exposed

(Kelley, Mary, and Laura ....You may want to skip this first paragraph and go straight to the pics. I know how my popularity bothers you :)

I thought there must be some kind of mistake when I got my sitemeter report for yesterday and it reported 200plus visitors (!) My previous high for one day was in the seventies - and although I'm sure I sounded very nonchalant when I mentioned it here, I knew in the internet-est parts of my heart, even that was a higher number than I deserved or warranted.

After all, I don't really cook, I haven't written a book, and I don't sew. I write about my life, I brag about my children, I move furniture around and take pictures of it, and mostly I just tell people what to do. Pretty much what any mother blogger could do.

Certainly, nothing that would draw 200 readers to my blog. (Hey! Maybe it's the donuts....I did notice they are not flat anymore. Thanks, Hunter!)

To solve the mystery of Why The Masses Are Flocking To My Blog, I took a cue from Mary and went to the sitemeter section that tells you where the visitor originated from. I'm telling you, girls, they came from all parts of the country. And beyond! Guam, South Australia, Liverpool, and even Houston, Texas (and shouldn't they be on the road evacuating instead of reading blogs?)

And the one thing most of them had in common is that they came from here...

And not because my POOPIE was so great, either. The winner's POOPIE was way better than mine, which I actually don't mind all that much, because the Nester did quote from my blog!!!!!!! She even called me by the very personal, pet-name..."one reader".

I suppose the witty writing (or the sarcasm) drew them to click on the link to me.
And the next thing I know I have hundreds of visitors to my blog (all of them staying about 2.5 seconds...but hey!)

I can't deny it. I liked it (a little Too much).

I envisioned myself as the next BooMama, going on trips to Africa to blog for all my adoring masses. Getting 30 or 40 comments just by talking about fried chicken (or 100's if I posted during American Idol.)

Yep, I enjoyed every minute of my 15 seconds of fame (actually that doesn't add up, does it?)

Even if my totals are back down today, it was fun while it lasted.

But I don't post just for strangers (although they're welcome!), I post for the faithful readers (who are mostly related to me, and about 1/2 of whom I have personally given birth to). And to show you how much I appreciate your faithfulness to me, I am going to reward you by showing you some of the kosher food we ate last night at Book Club (see lame post from yesterday for the kosher explanation.)

The girls in my book club are ever-so-creative. (Last month we read an adventure about a Mt. Everest climber, and everyone brought "survival food". Next month we're reading The Tipping Point and we're bringing "dipping food". Get it? tipping...dipping...)

Look closely above and you'll see challah bread, Jewish sweet noodles with fruit (which I neglected to get the name of), Hebrew National pigs in a blanket, kosher salt potato chips, hummus and bagel chips, and even kosher candy (which is most candy, in case you're wondering.)

This beautiful photo, taken by the beautiful Lea, is of some yeast-less chocolate cake that was AMAZING - and Jodi's unbelievable Mitford orange marmelade cake. It took her 6 hours to make it - and it was worth every minute (for me, anyway, since all I had to do was basically chew and swallow and make yummmmmmmmm...noises.)

And just so I don't lose points for going "off theme" for two days in a row, I'm posting a few more house pictures.

Tomorrow I'm posting my "Final Answer" to the Question: How will Debbie's kitchen finally look when she gets done moving things in and out, in and out, in and out? And perhaps more importantly, How is her marriage surviving all the changes? And....Does she or does she not have a kitchen table anymore? (Or...All they all eating on that one comfy chair and the desk?)


Anonymous said...

do you think in the 2.5 seconds that they stayed that they appreciated the photos that i took? let's hope so...

Anonymous said...

Nice new layout- and the picture fits the color scheme better. Way to go Hunter. :) Congratulations on your little piece of internet fame- who'd have thought you would aspire to and attain such heights?!? You asked a few questions at the end, but the real question is: Are the kitchen curtains sewn and finished? :)

Kelley said...

Well, once I saw that the beginning of the post was going to be about sitemeter hits I KNEW I shouldn't continue on, yet because you advised me to skip that part I just HAD to read it:-) I would be a bit bitter about the whole thing if your post didn't make me laugh out loud several times(that sounds so much better than lol, doesn't it?)!!

Wow, I feel so honored to be listed on the Princess' blog-roll. I figured I didn't make the cut since you didn't want to have a list entitled "friends who have daughters who live in Brazil and have blogs".

Laura said...

Well, if I were immature I would be sticking my tongue out at you about now, but I'm not.

Congratulations on so many hits. I have chosen (for the moment) to remain in ignorance about how many people actually visit my blog (mainly because I don't want to apply my brain to figure out how to get the thingy on my blog).

BTW, I love the family picture you have added. Just lovely.

Meg in Tally said...

Sooo...what are they talking about? I follow directions and don't read things I'm not supposed to. I'm just obedient that way.

(Of course, who DOESN'T want to read about POOPIE? Everybody loves POOPIE! Does that sound bitter?)

The biggest problem with all those hits is that they don't seem to leave comments in the same proportion --so what's the big whoop? (You know I'm probably just green with envy...not really, I'm really proud to know that I KNOW someone famous!)

BTW, since you OBVIOUSLY need some ideas on what to blog about, mosey on over to Lonesome Pine. You've been TAGGED!

You can thank me later.

ashli said...

Debbie, off topic, but please do a post on your timeline (the method of hanging and where to purchase hardware for said method). Also, do you use Veritas for your timeline? Etc. If you don't want to do a post, please send me an email with images of your timeline and the above info.

Your grandbabies are cute, didn't know Betsy was preggers, and your grandkittens are adorable as well. Love, hugs, etc.